Overdentures, or more specifically dentures with overbars, are superior to conventional fixtures as they provide stability and retention of implant-supported restorations with the accessibility of a fixed removable. All bars for overdentures at Radiant Dental are fabricated from grade 5 titanium and are compatible with every major implant platform.
Patient’s daily oral habits such as chewing, talking, or even singing are maintained or improved with an overdenture installation. These bar-locking dentures provide a stronger grip and disburse pressure in a more balanced fashion throughout the mouth.
The bar is permanent and because of that the denture doesn’t get loose or lose retention. With various locking mechanisms available the denture stays securely on the bar until removed.
Finally, cleaning maintenance is uncomplicated for your office’s patients. Unclipping the dentures, brushing the bar, and then brushing the dentures before submerging them in a hygienic solution is the only required process for maintaining the overdenture system.